Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

The values of character education through Lamongan’s folklore “dewi andong sari” PDF
Tiara Widyaiswara
Using authentic assessment to develop student’s critical thinking in argumentative writing PDF
Elli Setiyo Wahyuni, Slamet Setiawan, Syafi’ul Anam, Deasy Arieffiani
Investigating student’s attitudes and performance in L2 writing: an insight from an EFL tertiary classroom in Indonesia PDF
Yuni Astuti, Istiqomah Wulandari

ELT Teachers' and Students' Perspective about Online Teaching and Learning

Exploring the use of online learning platform in learning English PDF
Rini Kesuma Siregar, Yuswin Harputra, Ayu Sri Wulandari

ISSN: 2721-5016
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