Universitas Islam Malang Conference, International Conference on Islam and Global Civilization

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Alfian Dewan Adhayuda Prabowo, Sjafri Sairin

Last modified: 2021-07-09


In a book entitled Indonesian humans by Mochtar Lubis, he mentions there are 6 characteristics of Indonesian humans, including: hypocritical, reluctant to be responsible, feudal, superstitious, artistic, and weak in character. One of the highlights is superstition. In the modern era like now there are still people who are superstitious, including the superstition of hitting a cat. Indonesians, especially in Java, think that if they hit a cat to death, it will get bad luck or a sign of something bad. The superstition continues that to ward off this bad luck, rituals must be carried out, including bathing the cat with flower water, dressing it and burying it. The aim of this research is to find out how the Islamic view of the superstition hit the cat. In writing this article, the research approach used is a qualitative methodology with the type of literature study. The results showed that the superstitious ritual act of hitting a cat is called thiyaroh, and is included in shirk. However, as a servant of Allah, if you accidentally hit a cat, you should still bury it. This maintains our relationship to God (Hablum Minallah), humans (Hablum Minannas) and nature (Hablum Minal Alam).

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