Universitas Islam Malang Conference, International Conference on Islam and Global Civilization

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Nur Hasan Nur Hasan, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Maulidya Anggita Rahma

Last modified: 2023-03-10


ABSTRACT                The ability to speak Arabic is a matter of pride and dream for everyone, but that dream seemed to run aground when they did not go directly to study in an Arab country, they thought that studying in the country was considered imperfect in speaking Arabic as desired. However, in the industrial era 4.0, all hopes and dreams will come true when they really take advantage of technology as a learning resource. One of the most appropriate learning resources to improve communication competence in Arabic is the use of Arabic youtube as a means of learning to communicate in Arabic. The objectives of this study are first to determine the power of YouTube as a means of learning Arabic language communication effectively and efficiently, secondly to determine the implications of listening to Arabic YouTube in increasing Arabic communication competence. This research method uses a qualitative approach which aims to explore the benefits of Arabic youtube in increasing Arabic language communication competence. Data collection that will be used is observation, interviews, documentation, and data analysis, data reduction and provision of final conclusions. Keywords : Strategy, Communicating Arabic Language, Arabic Youtube


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