Universitas Islam Malang Conference, The First International Conference On Teacher Training and Education 2018

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Alviana Mar'atus Sholikah

Last modified: 2018-04-18


How teachers manage the classroom activities and the strategies they use to ensure that the classroom provides a context to support and facilitate learning is a thing that has to have for all teachers. But now,The teachers focus just in mastering the material, how to facilitate and manage this material has been denied. Therefore, this study was to review an effective classroom management for teaching and learning process so that the pupils are able to engage in meaningful learning material. The researchers observed the students of XI senior high school, VIII and IX junior high school in Sabillurrosyad Gasek, Malang to see the effectiveness of classroom management. According to Fachurrozy (2004) stated that there are some factors in classroom management as follows: teacher characteristics, teacher-talk, the teacher’s questions, reinforcement and punishment. The research used descriptive qualitative to describe the implementation of classroom management. Observation sheets and an interview were instruments to support the research. Based on the data collected, the teacher perfectly applied all the characteristic of classroom management by its style. As a result, it is proved that classroom management has many advantages for the learners in the term of learning and teaching.