Universitas Islam Malang Conference, Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship & Social Sciences International Conference 2022

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Bianka - Andriyani, Nike - Larasati

Last modified: 2023-12-18


The rise of the phenomenon of people flocking to become entrepreneurs shows that there is community interest in entrepreneurship. Not only ordinary people who change professions, but also people from among the celebrities of the country.

The focus of this research is the use of a new variable, namely Inspiring Celebrity Couplepreneur as an independent variable and the addition of marriage age as a variable that moderates the effect of Inspiring Celebrity Couplepreneur on entrepreneurial interest. The age of marriage referred to in this study is the length of age of marriage that has been established with a partner. The criteria for respondents in this study were married couples. Data obtained from primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires. In this study testing the validity and reliability using SMART PLS software. For model testing and influence testing as well as moderation testing using Structural Equation Model (SEM) testing using SMART PLS software.

The first and second hypotheses in this study are supported or accepted based on the analysis of processed data. Hypothesis one has a positive and significant effect. The conclusion is that inspiring celebrity couplepreneur has a positive effect on entrepreneurial interest. Hypothesis two has a positive and significant effect. So the conclusion is that self-employeed family has a positive effect on entrepreneurial interest. Third hypothesis in this study is not supported or accepted. The results of data processing show that the original sample value is negative, namely -0.020 and the P value is 0.443 so that it can be concluded that the age of marriage does not moderate the effect of inspiring celebrity couplepreneurs on entrepreneurial interest.

Keywords: inspiring celebrity couplepreneur, entrepreneurial interest, self-employed family, age of marriage

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