Last modified: 2023-12-18
This study aims to determine the feasibility of local coffee beans business from Malang in the effort to develop the SDGs economy. Koopen Coffee Shop is a business that sells local coffee beans from Malang which directly supplies from coffee farmers in Malang, such as Dampit, Ampelgading, Taji, and others. The existence of a local coffee bean business native to Malang helps economic development in Indonesia, especially in the development of the SDGs. The coffee business is currently favored by various groups, this is a great opportunity for the sale of coffee beans. This increase is a good thing for business continuity and has an impact on increasing income which is for the achievement of economic development. The research method used is a mixed research method. The data used in this study are secondary data and primary data. The data collection process is carried out qualitatively by means of observation, surveys, literature research,  and interviews with business  actors.  Meanwhile,  quantitative  data  analysis  to analyze  the feasibility of investment, namely NPV, IRR, Net B/C and payback period as well as switching value analysis was carried out. Based on the results of the analysis a business is said to be good, the condition of the coffee bean production is in its optimum state (NPV>I0). However, there is still a need for improvement in online marketing and this business still does not have a business entity.
Keywords : business feasibility; local coffee business; economic development; SDGs