Last modified: 2023-12-18
Trily has been an individual company that has been selling tea Tarik products since 2018. The method we use for data analysis in this study is a qualitative research method. Qualitative method is a research method that is descriptive in nature and tends to use analysis. We made observations using the concept of a business feasibility study on the trilly pull tea business. Observations were made in person in September 2022. A business feasibility study can be analyzed based on three aspects, namely environmental, legal and marketing aspects. Through an analysis based on these three aspects, in the end it will be found whether the business is feasible or not. In terms of the environmental aspect, trily tea can be said to be feasible because it is in an environment that is in accordance with the product, namely a drink that can be consumed daily by various groups. The production of trily tea also runs every day so there are lots of stocks at affordable prices. In the marketing aspect, trily tea uses a very appropriate marketing strategy by opening branches in various regions in Indonesia and providing lower prices to agents who are willing to market trily tea products. Likewise with the legal aspect, tea trily has no legal problems because they have registered their brand at the MUI and NPWP on behalf of the company at the right time.
Keywords: Business Feasibility Study. Environmental Aspect; Marketing Aspect; Legal Aspect; HR Aspect; Engineering and Technology Aspects; Financial aspect