Last modified: 2022-10-21
Speaking skill has a close relationship with learners' interest. When learners have interest in
speaking, they try to apply their English speaking skill for communication. This also happens when
learners study English as a Foreign Language (EFL). As the gap, the importance to what extent
junior high school students’ interest in speaking skills is still under examination. Thus, this study aims at investigating students’ interest in English speaking class. This research used a descriptive
qualitative method involving 17 EFL learners of eighth-grade at one of state junior high schools in
Sidoarjo. Data collection techniques were observation checklist and interview. The results showed
that the students were interested in speaking skill when learning English. As the result of the
questionnaire, the researchers found that there were some students who were uninterested in speaking skill. Those students’ low interest was interviewed by the need for more process in speaking activities. Besides, dealing with the learning process, some activities with interesting method and media were performed in meeting 1 until meeting 9 so that most of the students were active in participating during speaking class. The implemented method and media can help students foster their interest. Furthermore, students’ response found in the learning process is showing their
confusion on their speaking expression. In short, students’ interest needs to be stimulated and it
contributes to encouraging EFL teachers in modifying methods and media during speaking class.