Universitas Islam Malang Conference, Konferensi Nasional Life Science dan Teknologi 2020

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Djuhari Djuhari, Catur Retnaningdyah, Bagyo Yanuwiadi, Endang Arisoesilaningsih

Last modified: 2020-12-08


Abstract: We conducted  the study to design an environmentally friendly way to control anthracnose in red chili plants. We conducted  the research using survey and interview methods in five red chili centers in East Java Province. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The research results on the disease triangle component show that several production centers vary greatly in terms of cultivation techniques, land types, farming locations, climate variables, varieties, and disease attacks. Observations of anthracnose attacks ranged from low (<20%), moderate (20-50%), to high (> 50%). We recorded the highest incidence of disease and the lowest chili production in Tuban, where farmers planted chilies without rotation or rotation with Solanaceae crops, planted nonresistant chili varieties in irrigated rice fields all year round. In contrast, in Pujon, farmers planted disease-resistant superior chili varieties on rainfed land during the rainy season; crop rotation with Solanaceae or other families gave more organic fertilizers, lowest disease attack. However, we recorded the highest red chili production in the Kediri area. Based on the disease triangle concept and the study results, we concluded that we could use resistant varieties and manipulate the habitat to control the incidence of anthracnose attacks on red chili plants.

Keywords: Incidence, Anthracnose, Red Chili, Disease Triangle

Abstrak : Penelitian dilakukan untuk  merancang cara pengendalikan penyakit antraknosa pada tanaman cabai merah yang ramah lingkungan.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei dan wawancara di lima sentra cabai merah di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif, analysis of variance (ANOVA), dan Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Hasil penelitian terhadap komponen segitiga penyakit menunjukkan bahwa  beberapa sentra produksi sangat bervariasi dalam hal teknik budidaya, tipe lahan, lokasi usahatani, variabel iklim, varietas, dan serangan penyakit. Hasil pengamatan serangan antraknosa mulai dari rendah (<20%), sedang (20-50%), hingga tinggi (> 50%). Serangan penyakit tertinggi dan produksi cabai terendah tercatat di Tuban, dimana petani menanam cabai tanpa rotasi atau rotasi dengan tanaman Solanaceae, menanam varietas cabai nonresisten, di sawah beririgasi sepanjang tahun. Sebaliknya, di Pujon, petani menanam varietas cabai unggul yang tahan penyakit di lahan tadah hujan pada musim hujan; dilakukan rotasi tanaman dengan Solanaceae atau famili lain, pemberian pupuk organik lebih banyak, serangan penyakit paling rendah. Namun produksi cabai merah tertinggi tercatat di wilayah Kediri. Berdasarkan konsep segitiga penyakit dan hasil penelitian disimpulkan pilihan varietas tahan dan manipulasi habitat dapat digunakan merancang pengendalian insidensi serangan penyakit antraknosa  pada tanaman cabai merah.

Kata kunci: Insidensi, Antraknosa, Cabai Merah, Segitiga Penyakit


Insidensi, Antraknosa, Cabai Merah, Segitiga Penyakit