Universitas Islam Malang Conference, The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics Education and Technology (ICOMET)

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Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) As A Virtual Learning Environment on Mathematics
Meilani Safitri, Nunuk Suryani, Budiyono Budiyono, Sukarmin Sukarmin

Last modified: 2023-12-04


The Covid-19 pandemic has ravaged the world for more than a year, far beyond what experts predict. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic for Indonesia is to accelerate the implementation of the 4.0 education revolution. Computers and the internet have an important role in the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a literature study that reviews previous research using the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The purpose of this study is to seek information, examine basic theories and examine the results of previous studies related to CSCL and VLE. Data collection is done through the process of editing, organizing, finding documents, manuscripts, photos and videos. To obtain correct and precise results in analyzing the data, the author uses content analysis techniques. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive and thematic analysis. The results of this study indicate that VLE-based CSCL has been carried out successfully and is very useful in distance learning, especially during the current covid-19 pandemic. Based on these results, it is recommended to develop a VLE-based CSCL to see its impact on mathematics learning in schools, especially the impact on problem solving skills.


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