Universitas Islam Malang Conference, The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics Education and Technology (ICOMET)

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The Effect of Mathematical Anxiety on Mathematical Problem Solving
Siti Aisyatun Nur Habibah

Last modified: 2023-12-04


Mathematics is a discipline that can help students solve problems in many other disciplines. One of the causes of students' unsuccess in solving problems is when they experience stress in the ongoing mathematics learning process. This results in students not being able to accept and understand learning well so that problem-solving skills cannot develop which results in incomplete learning outcomes. This study aims to analyze the effect of anxiety on students' problem-solving abilities.  Researchers will use the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method to summarize and explain the relationship, collecting many important articles in the research according to the method described. The results of this study show that the effect of mathematical anxiety on problem-solving ability is negative. Based on the research that has been reviewed, it can be concluded that the higher the level of mathematical anxiety of students, the lower the level of students' problem-solving abilities, and vice versa. Math anxiety greatly affects students' problem-solving abilities. Therefore, as a teacher, it is important to pay attention and immerse students not to be afraid of mathematics, because learning mathematics is not as difficult as imagined.

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