Last modified: 2023-02-15
The ability to think at a high level and character reinforcement were the main aspects that were prioritized in education, especially in the 2013 curriculum. In the implementation of learning, an effort was needed to help students improve these abilities, one of which was teaching materials. This study aimed to develop mathematics teaching materials as an effort to improve students' Higher Order Thinking Skills and Character Building. ADDIE development models namely, Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation were used in this development research. The research subjects used in the application stage were 37 students of class VIIB MTs Negeri 1 Banyuwangi. The results showed that the product validation rate by material experts obtained a percentage of 85% with a very valid and feasible category to use, while media experts obtained a percentage of 93.3% with a very valid and feasible category for use. After being validated, the teaching materials were tested for use to students by obtaining a percentage of 73.81% with a good category so that the product was said to be practical. Hasil test the effectiveness of the product was shown from the results of  the Paired Sample T-test by producing a significance level (sig.2-tailed) of , which states that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test values that has been given. In addition, the student N-gain score of 0.56% which was categorized as effectively increasing student HOTS during learning using developed teaching materials. The results of the student's attitude activity show that there was a better student character that appears during the learning. Based on the categories that have been determined, the mathematics teaching materials developed are declared valid, practical, and effective for use.
Keywords: Teaching Materials; High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS); Character Building