Last modified: 2022-12-08
Iddah comes from the word adad which has the meaning of counting. Or it can also be interpreted as a waiting period. This means the waiting period for a woman who is divorced by her husband, be it a dead divorce or a live divorce. During the iddah period, there are several prohibitions that limit women such as applying makeup, self-sufficiency, and activities outside the home. But the problem here is how iddah for women public figures who require them to do activities or work to make ends meet for them and their families. Looking at the present, divorced women still continue to work as usual in accordance with their profession. Meanwhile, the iddah period is mandatory to be carried out in accordance with Islamic law which has set the iddah time. This research is a literature research with a normative approach and uses qualitative research methods through references from journals that discuss the iddah period for career women. The results of this study explain the iddah law in Islamic law and how the phenomenon of the iddah period today when viewed from the perspective of Islamic law.