Universitas Islam Malang Conference, International Conference on Islam and Global Civilization

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LEADING LEARNING MODELS IN COVID-19 CONDITIONS (Study on the Implementation of Blended Learning Model in MAN 1 Lamongan)
Victor Imaduddin Ahmad, Hepi Ikmal, Lusia Mumtahana

Last modified: 2021-07-11


This research explores three main problem formulations, first, how is the implementation of learning in covid-19 conditions in MAN 1 Lamongan? Second, how is the blended learning model as a superior learning model in covid-19 conditions in MAN 1 Lamongan? and the last, how are the problem of blended learning in the covid-19 conditions in MAN 1 Lamongan?. In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, educators are required to be able to continue learning, by minimizing face-to-face activities with students. Blended learning is one of the alternative superior learning models in the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic. By using the blended learning model, it is hoped that it can provide an influence in increasing the motivation and learning achievement of students at MAN 1 Lamongan. Positivistic, neutral researchers, act as disinterested scientists. Researchers only describe what and how the learning process. This research method is a case study research method. The case study research method is a method that can reveal the blended learning model in the Covid 19 conditions at MAN 1 Lamongan. The results of the research findings are as follows, there is a lesson planemergency department which functions at any time, many teachers are equipped with madrasas regarding the use of various supporting applications during the online learning process. Keywords: Leading Learning, Covid 19, Blended Learning

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