Universitas Islam Malang Conference, The First International Conference On Teacher Training and Education 2018

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Students’ Perspective on Pictures Say Presentation as Speaking Skill Practice
Rizkiana Maharddhika

Last modified: 2018-04-16


Abstract: Pictures Say Presentation (PSP) as one of speaking activities in classroom is a media tohelp the students speak English fluently and comprehend the content of presentation. This kindof presentation is offered to the students, especially for non-English department students likeAgriculture students. They are insisted to be able to speak English in presenting articles or texts.This study investigated the students’ perspective on Pictures Say Presentation (PSP) as speakingskill practice. 50 Agriculture students involved in this study were interviewed to gain the data.The researcher interviewed the students’ opinion about PSP whether it was encouraged them tospeak English fluently or not. The researcher conducted two stages. First, the students wereallowed to read, comprehend, and discuss the agriculture-related article in the classroom. Then,they found some pictures related to the article. These pictures were presented by students in theclassroom. The students were not allowed to bring any notes, or insert any word in the pictures.In a nutshell, PSP can challenge students to explain what they comprehend from the article andmake the audience understand the presentation easily.
Keywords: Pictures say presentation, agriculture students, students’ perspective