Last modified: 2018-04-18
The Experimen of Guided Inquiry Learning Model with Powerpoint Media to Improve Learning Student Outcomes of Grade IV Primary School
Dony Hermawan, Made Pidarta, Waspodo Tjipto Subroto
Basic Education Studies Program, University of Surabaya
Surabaya 60231
This article aims to analyze the influence of the application of guided inquiry model supported by the powerpoint media to improve student learning outcomes in the social secience lesson subtheme jobs in around me. With guided inquiry learning model makes students more active in learning because students can find answers to problems that students make. While the learning result is a change of behavior that is divided into three aspects namely cognitive, affective, and psikomotor. This study included experimental research using pretest and posttest nonequivalent control group design. The instrument of this research consists of teaching materials, lesson plan, student worksheet, test result sheet, affective and psychomotor observation sheet. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of guided inquiry learning model with the help of powerpoint media can improve student learning outcomes on job subtema around the fourth grade of elementary school.
Keywords: Guided Inquiry learning model, Powerpoint Media, Student Learning Outcomes