Last modified: 2018-04-23
Fitria Wigati, Roesminingsih, and Waspodo Tjipto Subroto and Education Studies Program, state University SurabayaJ1. Ketintang, Surabaya 60231
This study aims to describe the feasibility, the practicality, the effectiveness of audio visual media on the Natural Symptoms of Indonesia and Neighbor Countries.Problems that occur are rarely use instructional media that support for the use of IPS subjects, the learning pattern is still using text book oriented and students are just passive. Becoming a reason researchers to develop audio visual media in accordance with the development of students in primary school.This development research uses the design of 4-D is define, design, develop, and disseminate..The results of these two validators show that the audio visual media scored 3.45 with very good category. The effectiveness of audio-visual media in improving critical thinking skills shows high results. With student activity showed a very good 86.7% percentage and student response by showing the percentage of 91.27% strongly agree. The results of the critical thinking skill test showed 0.8 with the gain test via pretet and posttest including the high category. Discussion of research results show that the development of audio visual media is very feasible, practical and effective on the natural phenomena material in Indonesia and neighboring countries to improve the critical thinking skills of grade 6 elementary school students.
Keywords: Audio Visual Media, Critical thinking ability.