Universitas Islam Malang Conference, The First International Conference On Teacher Training and Education 2018

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Project Based Learning Model in Application of Early Childhood Discipline Character Attitudes
Dianti Yunia Sari, Angger Saloko

Last modified: 2018-04-18


Educational side in the recent years, based on some researchers that education more proposed the cognitive aspect only. There are the evidences reinforced that education in Indonesia for during this time more proposed the cognitive aspect and ignored the affective aspect (character), such as : 1) when performing the group task in the school, most of students could not work in group; 2) most of students only given motivation to get the high score; 3) there were a lot of cheatings at the exam times. To solve those problems above, education in Indonesia should refer to formation, guidance, investment, and character developing. One of learning model that can be done in performing the development effort of discipline character for students is model of Project Based Learning (PBL). The objective of study is to acquire the result of Project Based Learning implementation in facilitating discipline character for young learners. Moreover, this study use the method of collaborative classroom action research. This research is conducted in three cycles. For each cycle has four stages are: 1) planning, 2) acting, 3) observing, 4) analyzing and reflecting. The result of preface study showed that discipline behavior is still low. It refers to the aspect of young learners’ discipline character as like coming on time, doing assignment on time, using the things functionally, taking and giving back the things, obey the agreed rules, being aware to wait the turn and being aware for the effect of not discipline. The alteration of discipline behavior for young learners at Kindergarten school A after conducted the learning through Project Based Learning gives the result of development with performance of an optimal Project Based Learning (PBL) stages.