Universitas Islam Malang Conference, The First International Conference On Teacher Training and Education 2018

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Collaborative Strategic Reading: Overcoming Students’ Problems in Reading Comprehension
Khilda Husnia Abidah

Last modified: 2018-04-19


Abstract: This paper attempts to reveiw some researches about Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), a teaching technique, which used by teacher to overcome students problem especially in reading classrooms. There are four stages of CSR, such as preview; click and clunk; get the gist; wrap up, that have to be mastered by students whether individually or in a group. This strategy is easy enough in the implementation and distinctly; therefore, students can understand well after practicing for several time. In addition, CSR also provides some benefits that can be gained by students like increasing the students’ socialization, making an innovation about positive learning environment and upgrading reading skills. And the result of this study shows that the students who always implemented CSR in their classroom did significantly better than than the students who didn’t applied CSR as well. So selecting Collaborative Strategic Reading would be a great way to attain a successful reading mastery.

Key words: Collaborative Strategic Reading, students’ problem, reading comprehension