Universitas Islam Malang Conference, The First International Conference On Teacher Training and Education 2018

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The development of scientific based-integrated learning tools type shared in improve fourth grade student elementary school
linaria arofatul ilmi uswatun khasanah

Last modified: 2018-04-19


This research objective was to create based-integrated learning tools type shared product that can applied by teacher in improve student’s learning result. Noted from learning tools quality which developed and validated covered syllabus, lesson plan, student work sheet, and learning result test. Integrated learning tools type shared become interesting offer in the curriculum 2013 application, due to integrated learning type shared which basically integrate two disciplines that has three common goals from concept, attitude, and skills. Since basically by combining two disciplines can be carried out in curriculum 2013 learning process, in order to be more optimal in the application so the development of integrated learning tools was applied by using scientific approach for to be able to encourage student in searching from various sources through observation and not from teacher solely. This development research method using Dick and Carey with class design (pretest-posttest group design). Statistic test result of the application of scientific based- integrated learning tools type shared showed that student’s learning result experienced significant improvement.