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Predicting passage : Possessing Background Knowledge to Produce Best Reading
Last modified: 2018-04-19
Abstrack: This article attempts to review the strategy of predicting passage in producing bestreading by possessing background konwledge in each paragraph or passage among students.Reading is one of important skill in english which is should be mastered by student. But infact, there are many students who still did not catch what the text that they have read talkingabout. It is commonly that the students faces difficulties in reading English and possessingbackgroun knowledge is one of them. The student can not produce a good result of readingbecause they did not understand the background knowledge of the text. Then, strategy tosolve tha problem is predicting passage.Predicting passage is one of the best way to possessing background knowledge oftext by asking students to guess what the topic type in a first passage or sentence in general.To rephrase it, the writer will give the explanation of implementation of predicting passagestrategy. Then, this article will provide the effectiveness of using predicing passage strategyto increase reading comprehension, so students can easier understanding the text and moreinterest in reading. Finally , Predicting Passage strategy can use in reading and can be theeffective strategy in reading.