Last modified: 2018-04-19
Abstract: Reading skill is becoming increasingly important in an increasingly complex society. Everyaspect of life involves reading and then making the reading skill to be a demanding realityof everyday human life. Since the participants of this research are the first-grade studentsat Elementary School, the step of learning used is early reading stage. In the process, themethod used is Structural Analytic Synthetic (SAS), that is, the method conducted by storyapproach combined with images containing elements of synthetic analytical structure. Inaddition, study used animated video media. This is chosen because it will make thepresentation of teaching materials to students to be more complete and optimal as well as itcan help students improve the skills of beginning reading. The type of research used is theResearch and Development (R&D), as for the development of animated video media isusing 4-D development model. From the results of preliminary observations, it is knownthat from 23 students, only 30% are fluent in reading while the rest 70% are still learningto spell letters. After the implementation of the learning process using video animation, itincreased to 74% in the skill of beginning reading. The results of the initial reading skillshowed the score of 24.72% with the gain test with pretest-posttest. Based on the results ofthis study, it can be concluded that this animated video media is valid, practical, andeffective used to improve the beginning reading skill of animal subtheme animals in mysurroundings for the first-grade students.
Keywords: Media Video Animation, Beginning Reading Skills