Last modified: 2018-04-23
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to describe the results of collaborative learning mathematicsmodel’s validation test through the media weblog of calculus II courses. The subject of this research involves 3 experts specifically one designand learning media expert, one mathematics learning expert, and one learning materialexpert, and 1 practitioner (lecturer calculus II course). Data collection uses questionnairescale assessment or questionnaire validation techniques of collaborative learning mathematicsmodel through the media weblog. The results of this researchaccording to the assessment of design and learning media expert concluded that the model ofcollaborative learning mathematics through the media weblog calculus II courses is validwith the percentage of the validity of 81.86%. According to mathematics learning expertsconcluded that the model of collaborative learning mathematics through the media of calculusII weblog valid with the average percentage of the validity of 88.16%. Likewise, according tothe assessment from learning material expert that the calculus material II is valid with theaverage percentage of the validity of 89.28%. The results of the assessment from practitioners(lecturer calculus II course) that the model of collaborative learning mathematics through themedia blog calculus II course is valid with the average percentage of 87.50%. So in generalthe model of collaborative learning mathematics through the media weblog of the calculus IIcourse is valid with the average percentage of 86.70%, so it can be concluded that the modelof collaborative learning mathematics through the weblog media is suitable for calculus IIcourse learning.
Keywords: collaborative learning, media blog, calculus II