General Papers
Enhancing ESP Maritime English Reading Comprehension Using Vocabulary Language Prediction | |
Dyah Ratnaningsih, Muhammad Eiqal Suryana, Gilang Rengga, Abdurrahman Wahid |
The Need to Teach Digital Genre in Vocational Education | |
Nugrahaningtyas Fatma Anyassari |
Quizizz as an E-Assessment Media for English for Tour Operations Class: Vocational Students’ Voices | |
Muhamad Nova, Ni Kadek Herna Lastari, Indah Utami Chaerunnisah |
English Teachers’ Pratice in Using Technology in Classroom | |
Rifaatul Mahmudah, Utami Dewi, Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay |
Applying Flipped Classroom Model to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill | |
Arfita Wahyuni HRP, Utami Dewi, Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay |
The Use of WhatsApp in Enhancing Vocabulary Mastery at the Third Semester of UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan | |
Musthafa Fadli Perkasyah |
Teacher’s Perspectives toward the Impact of Teacher Professional Development at Islamic School | |
Anisa Nurasjati Anwar, Siti Nurhasanah, Eri Kurniawan |
Content Knowledge for EFL Teachers in Indonesia | |
Eri Subekti, Didi Sukyadi, Fazri Nur Yusuf |
Teachers’ Perceptions of Continuing Professional Development: A Study of Vocational High School Teachers in Medan | |
Christina Suriani Debataraja |
Spin Wheel Games on Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Skill: Experimental Research | |
Riya Risqi Setyaningrum, Fita Faridah, Krisna Wulan Fitriamiswari, Izzata Izzata |
Translation Techniques by Raffel in the Book ‘The Complete Poetry and Prose’ of Chairil Anwar | |
Ajeng N. Fitria, Nofvy Rahmawati, Sri Wahyuni, Deny Kuswahono, Yulis Setyowati |
Post-Graduate Students’ Perceptions on the Utilization of Google Translate | |
Hotma Berutu, Utami Dewi, Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay |
Exploring Translanguaging Practice in EFL Classroom: A Case Study in Indonesia Context | |
M. Fadhil Hidayat |
Moral Values Representation in Primary School English Textbooks: An Analysis of Speech Acts | |
Harun Arwanto, Djatmika Djatmika, Nur Arifah Drajati |
An Analysis of Moral Value “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" Movie by Chiwetel Ejiofor | |
Ikhsan Dwi Primadoni |
Language and Gender in Songs – The Use of Taboo Words by Female and Male Singers in America: A Sociolinguistic Project | |
Pipit Ertika Daristin, Ria Kamilah Agustina, Maskhurin Fajrina, Fani Indrawan |
The Learners’ Perception on Factors Affecting Learners’ Willingness to Communicate in Language Learning | |
Myra Desmayenni |
Taxis and Logico-semantic Relations in EFL Student's Writing Compared to an Expert's | |
Sri Novianti, Wawan Gunawan |
Grammatical Error Analysis in English Essay Written by INSTIKI Students on Google Classroom | |
Kadek Yogi Susana, I Kadek Agus Bisena, Agus Ari Iswara |
Using Facebook Group in Teaching Descriptive Text for Writing Skill | |
Anggita Pramusti |
Teaching Reading Skills through Print Media to Undergraduate Students of AMU | |
Khan Firdous Fatima |
Computer-mediated Corrective Feedback on Students’ Second Language Essay Writing Skills | |
Siti Hanna Sumedi |
The Implementation of Mentoring Model in Teaching Language Variation for the EFL Learners in Universitas Yapis Papua | |
Tenri Ugi Irianto, Markus Deli Girik Allo |
The Application of Padlet in Learning Writing Skills: An Investigation about Attitudes | |
Diem Bich Huyen Bui, Thi Hong Nhung Pham |
The Application of Quizizz in Learning Reading: A Study on Students’ Perceptions | |
Huynh Yen Nhi Pham, Huyen Bui |
Implementing Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Strategy to Teach Vocabulary for Students of Islamic School | |
Maulana Yusuf Aditya |
A Study on the Interplay of Personality Traits and Language Learning Strategies among University Students | |
Febti Ismiatun, Dzurriyyatun Ni'mah |
Factors Associated with EFL Engineering Students' Anxiety in Writing | |
Masrurotul Ajiza |
Promoting EASPod Application for Academic Speaking for EFL in Pesantren - Based University | |
Aries Fachriza |
An Analysis of Ideational Meaning on Explanation Texts in Indonesian Senior High School Students in ESL Writing: A Study of Systemic Functional Linguistics | |
Destiyana Destiyana, Yanty Wirza |
Productivity of English Loan Words into Bahasa Used by Indonesian Social Media Users | |
Elisa Nurul Laili, Mukminatus Zuhriyah, Sayid Ma’rifatulloh |
An Appropriate EFL Teacher Strategies in Teaching Speaking for Eleventh Grade at Academic Year 2022/2023 MA Miftahul Ulum Bettet Pamekasan | |
Hoirunnisak Hoirunnisak, Arisandi Setiyawan, Ika Meilinda Ummul Ma'rufa |
ISSN: 2721-5016