Archive Access Policy
The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.
Advisory Board:
Prof. Kyoko Funada, Ph.D (Kanda University of International Studies) Jepang
Associate Prof. Zulkifli Osman (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris) Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Ali Güzelyüz (Istanbul University) Turki
Prof. Koh Young Hun, Ph.D(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Korea
Prof. Dr. Luluk Sri Agus Prasetyoningsih, M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang) Indonesia
Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Dyah Werdiningsih, M.Pd (Univeritas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Dr. Hasan Busri, M.Pd (Univeritas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Dr. Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd (Univeritas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Dr. Abdul Rani, M.Pd (Univeritas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Dr. Moh Badrih, M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
M. Faruq Ubaidillah, M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
International Reviewers
Suyoto (Kanda University, Japan)
Bobur Samigov (Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan)
Sainee Tamphu(Yala Rajabhat University, Thailand)
Novi Anoegrajekti (Universitas Negeri Jakarta)
Feruza Avazova (Uzbekistan State World Language University)
Editor In Chief
Dr. Ari Ambarwati, S.S.,M.Pd (Univeritas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Layli Hidayah, M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Frida Siswiyanti, M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Prayitno Tri Laksono, M.Pd (Univeritas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Helmi Wicaksono, M.Pd (Univeritas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Organizing Comnittee
Dr. Ari Ambarwati, S.S., M.Pd (Univeritas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Khoirul Muttaqin, S.S., M.Hum (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia )
Elva Riezky Maharany, M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Itznaniyah Umie Murniatie, M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang,Indonesia)
Dr. Ifit Novita Sari, S.Sos., M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Dyah Ayu, S.H (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Irfan Hasan, S.Ap (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Muhammad Arifin, S.Ap (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
IT Staffs
Ganjar Setyo Widodo, M.Pd (Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
Ahmad Sufyan Zauri, M.Pd (Unversitas Islam Malang, Indonesia)
The 3th ICON-LLCE is an international conference hosted by Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department, Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia. The manuscripts submitted to this conference will be double blind peer-reviewed by at least 2 (two) reviewers. The accepted manuscripts will be recommended for online publication following the conference peer-reviewing process. The language used in this conference is English.
For checking Plagiarism, the 3th ICON-LLCE Editor will screen plagiarism manually (offline and online database) on the Title, Abstract, and Body Text of the manuscript, and by using Turnitin. If it is found a plagiarism indication, the editorial board will reject the manuscript immediately.
Review Process:
- Editor will receive the manuscript from the author;
- Editor will evaluate the manuscript (journal aim and scope, in-house style, supplementary data); (Rejected if not meets criteria)
- Editor will do screening for plagiarism on offline and online databases manually; (Rejected if found major plagiarism, contact author if found redundancy or minor plagiarism for clarification). The similarity index is a maximum of 15%.
- Editor will send the manuscript to the reviewer along with the review form (blind review);
- Reviewer will send back his review form to Editor (with a revised manuscript if necessary);
- Editor decision (rejected, requires major revision, needs minor revision, or accepted);
- Confirmation to the Author.
- If any revisions, the author will revise the manuscript, and should be returned to the editor without delay. Returned later than one month will be considered withdrawn.
This conference uses Harvard dataverse to preserve research data, if the author intends to preserve and share his/her research data for greater impact on global knowledge. Our review policy regarding this issue is as the following:
- Deposited datasets should be treated as part of the article for the purpose of peer review; OR
- At acceptance, and prior to the final version of the manuscript, underlying data must be submitted along with a description of how the dataset was created (including any differences from prior versions, and the name of any software packages that were used).
- Dr. Moh. Badrih, S.Pd., M.Pd +62 823-3051-1117
- Helmi Wicaksono, M.Pd
- Layli Hidayah, S.Pd., M.Pd +62 813-3199-9850