Conference Archives
ICoAR 2020
Universitas Islam Malang (UNISMA)
Jalan Mayjen Haryono 193 Malang 65144 East Java INDONESIA
Malang, ID
August 7, 2020 – August 8, 2020
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, with approximately 87.2% (about 225 million people) of its total population identifying themselves as Muslim. Moreover, in terms of Islamic schools of jurisprudence, the demographic data indicate that 99% of Indonesian muslims follow the Shafii school, while only 1% follow other schools such as Shia and Ahmadiyah.
In Indonesia one of the two largest Muslim organizations is Nahdatul Ulama (NU), founded in 1926 by KH. Hasyim Asya’ari. Although it used to transform itself into a political party, in its congress in Situbondo in 1984 NU declared to return to be a socio-cultural movement. Thus, its focus is on social, religious, and educational activities, operating the country’s majority of Islamic boarding schools. In dealing with other Muslim, people of other religion and the Indonesian government, NU tries to develop the idea of tasamuh (tolerance), tawassuth (moderation), tawazzun (harmony), and al ‘adl (fairness) for the creation of Muslim brotherhood (ukhuwwah Islamiyah), national brotherhood (ukhuwwah wathoniyah) as well as international brotherhood (ukhuwwah basyariyah).
However, the coming of transnational Islamic movements from middle eastern countries leading to the emergence of hardliner groups of Muslims in Indonesia since 1980s has challenged Indonesian national integrity as well as world peace. Since then, discourses of radicalism and terrorism started to appear in Indonesian societal and political contexts.
Radicalism leads potentially to the act of terrorism. In the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) the term radicalism is defined as (1) the faith or belief stream that is politically radical; (2) the faith or belief stream that wants a change or renewal in social and politics with violent or drastic means; and (3) an extreme behavior in political stream. A number of characteristics can be identified from those who are the supposed to be radical, including: (1) intolerant (not respecting others’ views and opinions), (2) fanatic (considering others being wrong), (3) exclusive (keeping away from other groups), and (4) revolutionary (tending to use violence to reach the target). Thus, radicalism becomes a serious threat for diversity, peace, and democracy in Indonesia and beyond. Radical people tend to have intolerant behaviors towards others who hold different views and perspectives. In the higher level, they are also very likely to join violent extremist groups.
In response, NU as a Muslim organization of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah advocates the terms “Islam Wasathiyah†(moderate Islam), a distinctive Islam that has undergone interpretation, interaction, contextualization, and indigenization according to socio-cultural condition of Indonesia. Islam Wasathiyah promotes moderation, compassion, anti-radicalism, inclusiveness, and tolerance, leading to the establishment of communal harmony.
As one of higher education institutions under NU, Universitas Islam Malang (UNISMA) takes the front role to promote the spread of the idea of Islam Wasathiyah (Moderate Islam). Therefore, on 27 November 2019 witnessed by Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. K.H. Ma’ruf Amin, UNISMA declared to be a campus of anti-radicalism.
Moreover, we believe that other religions in the world also promote goodness, kindness, tolerance, and harmony that all together will lead to peaceful way of life. Therefore, despite differences in religious beliefs and practices, the followers of any religion should not hinder themselves from being the promoters of mankind brotherhood and they have to take their role in building the world peace through anti-radicalism-oriented programs.
It is in this context then that the coming international conference is to be carried out. The conference is an integral part of the annual program Gerak Lisan Utama (Gebyar Kreatifitas Lintas Ilmu dan Seni Anak Negeri untuk Prestasi Bersama) IV 2020.
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