Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Afghanistan EFL teachers’ perception and practice on online learning during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia
Lestari Budianto, Slamet Setiawan, Pratiwi Retnaningdyah
The use of social media platforms in online English Language Teaching (ELT)
Choirul Rozi, Ahmad Munir, Oikurema Purwati
Digital translation of plant’s name in English and Indonesian
Allif Syahputra Bania, Nuraini Nuraini
The implementation of STAD technique to enhance students' reading comprehension of tenth grade students at SMA Plus Al-Miftah Palengaan-Pamekasan
Rini Listyowati, Arisandi Setiyawan
English for specific purpose: developing English materials for nursing students through students' need analysis
Kristian Burhan, Hendra Putra
The translation quality analysis of students’ research abstract (case studies at management program in university of Kuningan)
Adinda Ilana Maudy, Muhammad Aprianto Budie Nugroho, Vina Agustiana
Developing interactive learning media android based in teaching English
Abdullah Farih, Siti Nariyah
The effect of teaching morphological analysis on the students' reading comprehension achievement
Mohammad Nurman
The values of character education through Lamongan’s folklore “dewi andong sari”
Tiara Widyaiswara
Technology-enriched materials development in learning culture from super-wings movie for young learners
Iin Rachmawati, Hendra Sudarso
The autonomy level of English education study program students
Fitri Ade Andriani, Gita Mutiara Hati, Indah Damayanti
Textbook development using genre-based approach
Rofiqotul Ummah, Suhartatik Suhartatik, Jasuli Jasuli
Need analysis of academic-English for business presentation digital age
Desi Ratna Sari, Yosi Handayani, Condra Antoni
Using authentic assessment to develop student’s critical thinking in argumentative writing
Elli Setiyo Wahyuni, Slamet Setiawan, Syafi’ul Anam, Deasy Arieffiani
Online learning strategies to increase students’ interest during the covid-19 pandemic
Nursaima Harahap, Yulia Rizki Ramadhani
Direct reading strategy used by teacher in English language teaching
Siti Maria Ulfa, Siti Maria Ulfa
Developing motion graphics “successful English presentation” for tertiary vocational students
Arta Uly Siahaan, Tian Havwini, Tian Havwini, Nurul Ulfah, Nurul Ulfah, Fadli Suandi, Fadli Suandi, Fanji Nugraha Tri Darma, Fanji Nugraha Tri Darma, Muhammad Nazili Haqi, Muhammad Nazili Haqi
Students’ techniques and perspectives in English persuasive communication
Kadek Yogi Susana, Gusti Ayu Mahadewi, Gede Diki Prasetya, I Gede Yudi Arsana, Gusti Nyoman Ayu Sukerti
A case study exploring students experiences of English course through group discussion on online learning
Roslina Hasibuan
Student peer feedback analysis on error of inflection and derivational morpheme in essay writing
Fatih Al Fauzi, Nur Aini, Dyah Ayu Nugraheni
Students’ perceptions of synonym words during online learning in the pandemic
Rita Harisma, Vivin Agustin
Whatsapp mesenger on ELT students writing descriptive: an experimental study
Daman Huri, Moh Arif Mahbub, Fatih Al Fauzy
English language teaching: students’ speaking mastery by time token method during new normal condition of covid-19
Dinar Vincy Yunitaka, Endang Fauziyah Susilawati
Students’ perception on online learning in pandemic era: google classroom usage
Maulana Yusuf Aditya
The use of problem-based learning in the integration of global citizenship education in English critical reading course: a classroom action research
Rizvika Rahmita Salim
Engaging the student’s speaking activity by practicing the various simple conversation in pair group
Rosni Harahap
Project-based learning: roles in developing writing skill of EFL learners
Twin Dyah Martiana, Retno Wulan Dari, Eva Rahmawati, Suvi Akhiriyah, Nur Chakim
Students’ responses during speaking class using scaffolding talk
Ayu Kinasih, Dian Novita, Fika Megawati
Investigating student’s attitudes and performance in L2 writing: an insight from an EFL tertiary classroom in Indonesia
Yuni Astuti, Istiqomah Wulandari
Developing motion graphic video for English speaking practice in vocational higher education
Tian Havwini, Nurul Ulfah, Arta Uly Siahaan, Fadli Suandi, Maryani Septiana, Ozi Krisna, Surya Handika
Extensive reading: the affective and linguistic development
Dzulfikri Dzulfikri
Using story grammar strategy to improve reading comprehension of narrative texts
Dzurriyyatun Ni'mah
Students’ Politeness Strategy in Texting through WA Message in Performing Language Intelligence: Socio-Pragmatics Study
Chalimah Chalimah, Anggun Safitri
Students’ problems in English online learning during the pandemic of covid-19 at the seventh grade of Junior High School 3 Padangsidimpuan
Mahrani Mahrani, Tinur Rahmawati Harahap, Rio Rinaldy Daulay
Investigating Strategy-based Instruction (SBI) for Speaking Skill
Febti Ismiatun, Eko Suhartoyo

ELT Teachers' and Students' Perspective about Online Teaching and Learning

Oral corrective feedback in English speaking classroom: students’ and teachers’ preference
Abdul Halim, Suhar Yadi, Nova Ariani
Exploring factors of EFL learners’ identity formation and language investment: A Recommendation in the new normal era
Romadhon Romadhon
E-learning in teaching pre-intermediate grammar
Mariyatul Kiptiyah, Evha Nazalatus Sa'adiyah Sy, Safira Husniyah
Exploring the use of online learning platform in learning English
Rini Kesuma Siregar, Yuswin Harputra, Ayu Sri Wulandari

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